Mar 19, 2019 | Crystal Julia | 993 views
Coaching Applications for 2019-2020 Season
CHMHA is now accepting Coaching Applications for the 2019-2020 Season
If you are interested in a Head Coaching position for the 2019-2020 hockey season, please fill out the application below and submit to the CHMHA Coaching Coordinator, Gord Leonard at [email protected].
Coaching applications are required for all teams/ages from Preschool to Juvenile and must be submitted to the Coaching Coordinator, no later than May 3, 2019.
All candidates will be contacted by the CHMHA Coaching Coordinator, once selections have been made. CHMHA does reserve the right to hold in person meetings for the application process. Please note that AE and Leo League coaches will be selected after determining the team status for the upcoming season and an additional Application Deadline for those teams will occur at that time.