Dec 28, 2020 | Ashley Hailstone | 1554 views
CHMHA Letter to Parents
Hello Grizzly Parents,
As we close out a unique 2020, the executive would like to pass on some updates about what has happened and what is yet to come in 2021.
First, thank you to everyone who has been a part of the CHMHA 2020/21 season so far. While it has been very different, we have a lot to celebrate, including getting our players on the ice in September, and having a higher registration than ever in our system. We are so grateful for the support and patience of everyone as we have moved through these rapidly changing times.
A special thank you to the coaches who have gone above and beyond to keep our kids on the ice and developing. While it feels strange to have no games and no travelling, this is actually very beneficial for our players and I have seen the rapid improvement of several teams since the start of the year. Thank you coaches, for sticking with it on behalf of our players and our families.
We have a couple updates to pass on:
1) With the current guidelines set out by the provincial government, we are off the ice until January 23. So far, we expect to be back on the ice after the current lockdown. We will be working with our arenas, public health, and abiding by OMHA and OHF guidelines and policies as we move forward. Please check back to the CHMHA website and Centre Hastings Grizzlies Facebook Page regularly. As we know more we will share it with you.
2) This year due to COVID-19 we are unable to run our fundraising raffle in the same way as previous years. We had planned on modifying our raffle but then learned about the lockdown so have put the raffle on hold.
3) End of season – Prior to the lockdown we anticipated that we would be able to continue to end of season (mid March) if everyone paid their fees. As you may know, in addition to ice fees we also have insurance fees, team registration fees, equipment fees and coaching certification fees. Executive will be meeting over the break to discuss finances and put together a plan should we be able to return to the ice end of January/early February. As we did in September, we will have a zoom meeting to discuss the plan as we move forward with our season. Please check the website and Facebook pages for more information. We will also share information with coaches as we have it available.
Finally, we as executive know that nothing about this season has been ideal. We have tried to balance safety with the eagerness of our players to be back on the ice, and we hope that this has been as enjoyable as possible for everyone. It has not been perfect, but it has been something and hopefully your children have looked as forward to their ice times as my own children have their skates.
I also personally want to thank executive for being so willing to continue to meet and have hard discussions as we work through this, and I would like to acknowledge the hard work of arena managers Brad Watson in Madoc and John Croskery in Marmora, and all of the staff, who have been so accommodating to our teams.
Thank you parents, for signing your players up for hockey and for being patient with us as we figure it all out.
Holidays have looked and will continue to look different this year.
On behalf of all of executive, we hope that you are able to share special moments with your family and friends whether together or together while apart. We look forward to seeing you all at the rink in the New Year.
Yours in hockey,
Theresa Bailey on behalf of Centre Hastings Minor Hockey Executive