Mar 05, 2021 | Ashley Hailstone | 630 views
Updates on COVID-19 Guidelines
Hello Grizzly families,
We are passing along some updates on COVID-19 guidelines for our association. We hope that sharing these updates will help provide some consistency for families now that we are playing games.
*We are now allowing 2 spectators/player for each game. Bench staff do not count as spectators.
* If your player is “sitting out” for a game – please do not attend·
*Children who attend are asked to sit with parents to ensure they are abiding by social distancing guidelines.
*Practices – We are able to allow up to 50 spectators in the stands·
*Masks are to be worn in the stands.
*Social distancing protocols of 6 feet are to be adhered to in the stands.
*We are asking the coach or one designate to stand at the door for home games to help people sign in and also ensure guidelines are being followed·
*Request that if there are any concerns at all they contact us directly.
Other arenas and associations have stricter protocols. With the new variant in our area we are trying to be flexible, accommodate all families, and maintain safety standards in order to keep hockey going as long as we can in Centre Hastings. Thank you everyone for your patience and cooperation.
Your CHMHA Executive