Mar 14, 2021 | Ashley Hailstone | 773 views
AGM (Annual General Meeting)
Hello Grizzly families,
The CHMHA Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday, April 12 at 7pm. The meeting will be held virtually via zoom. You can register for the AGM here:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 850 2361 6348
Passcode: 994278
Positions that are up for re-election include:
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Referee-in Chief and Initiation Program (IP) Coordinator.
Any person seeking the elected position of President, 1st Vice President or Coaching Coordinator of the Association shall be or will have been a member in good standing of CHMHA Executive Committee either in the present term or previous years and has been an Executive Committee member for not less than two years.
Any non-executive member who wishes to stand for CHMHA elections at the annual meeting must provide written acknowledgement of their intentions to the President or 1st Vice President, at least one week prior to the Annual Meeting.
Thank you, we look forward to seeing you there!
Theresa Bailey
President, CHMHA