Mar 16, 2022 | John Croskery | 844 views
NRP's are in - Pickup available at AGM
NRP pickup
#1. Before AGM 630pm Tuesday April 26, Marmora Arena Lobby (or immediately following)
#2. Text(613-391-9362) and Pickup from mailbox @ 18 Riverview Crescent Marmora Saturday April 30/Sunday May 1.
NRPs came by Purolator April 26
To request one-
Email jcroskery@marmoraandlake by April 11 with your players
-Date of Birth
-Previous Season Team
-Which Team your player is trying out for
-A set time will be posted on the Grizzly website that the forms can be picked up at the Marmora Arena(see above highlighted)
OMHA did not make the PTS forms available until the week of April 11, they were distributed as requested above.