Season Update, News (Centre Hastings Minor Hockey)

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Aug 19, 2024 | Crystal Julia | 1591 views
Season Update
As many of you already know, the Municipality of Marmora and Lake has issued a notice that the Marmora arena will be delayed in opening this year and we are not sure at what point in the season we may be able to use the ice. Unfortunately, this will have some impact on our teams this season. Executive member, Josh Moore has put in significant effort to ensure that we have as much ice as possible booked at the Madoc Arena and we are very appreciative of his efforts. That being said, there will be a delay to the start of the season, given that the Madoc ice does not go in until later in September. Our start date for prep skates and tryouts will be September 25, 2024.    

Additionally, because we only have one pad of ice, until futher notice, there will be some ice times that our younger aged teams will be sharing ie. U5/U7 combined, U8/U9 combined. The timing of some of the ice slots may also be challenging ie. Start times at 4:30 p.m. on weekdays and 8:00 a.m. on Saturdays. We ask for your understanding and cooperation as we navigate this situation, it is not within our control and it’s the best that can be done given the circumstances.

We do not have answers regarding the delay and/or opening of the Marmora rink but if you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out.
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