NEW Mandatory Concussion Documentation, News, U13 (Centre Hastings Minor Hockey)

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Organization | Sep 13, 2019 | Crystal Julia | 18238 views
NEW Mandatory Concussion Documentation
The Ontario Government has recently enacted Rowan’s Law to provide more awareness about concussion to parents, players and coaches involved in youth sports. Rowan Stringer was a 17 year old athlete that tragically lost her life as a result of multiple undiagnosed concussions incurred while playing for her high school rugby team. Rowan’s Law is designed to help parents, coaches and players recognize and manage youth concussions in hopes of preventing any future tragedies.

In order to comply with this new legislation, all participants in minor hockey (and other sports related activities) should read the concussion safety documentation provided by the Government of Ontario and must sign an acknowledgement form that will be kept on file with the sports organization. 

If you have not done so already, please click on the links below to read the appropriate safety guide for your player and print and sign the acknowledgment form and give to your coach prior to participating in any on-ice activities.


Rowan's Law Acknowledgement Form

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